Gambia Business Visa Requirement Africa

Business Visa Requirement



Original passport with at least six months of validity remaining on it after your planned departure date, at least two blank pages, and the departure date stamped on the application for a visa.

It’s necessary to make copies of all expired passports and visas. To be safe, it’s best to bring copies of all previous tickets. The Visa Request Form Must Include the Following Information:

There must be a completed and signed Visa Application Form. The application for a visa may be downloaded by clicking the link above.

Two recent pictures, passport size.

It’s recommended that photographs have a matte or semi-matte texture, a white backdrop, no border, and cover between 60 and 80 per cent of the subject’s face (Size: 3.5 cm X 4.5 cm).


Each application form includes the sender’s full name, passport number, position held, and reason for travel. Additionally, have the name and address of the person responsible for paying all associated fees (including travel, lodging, and food) to The Visa Officer, Gambia High Commission, New Delhi, India. Please include the Visa Category in the subject line.

Greetings and Invitation:

The company itself issues the letter of invitation. At this step, the company verifies the trip’s objective and length. It’s important to highlight the significance of travel.

There was also a need for the inviter’s official identification card.

The invitee’s passport and a photocopy of their job or residency permits.

Original of the Registration:

The passport photo page and a copy of the invitee’s residency I.D. card or work permit are required. As an indication of your employment status, we need the following:

Visa Officer, Gambia High Commission, New Delhi, India” “Name, Title, Passport Number, Purpose, Duration of Visit, Sponsorship Status, etc.”

Specialization/Business Certification/Memorandum

Photocopy of current visitor’s or employee’s badge (3 copies)


The bank’s name, phone number, approved seal, and signature may all be seen on the authentic copy of the bank statement covering the previous six months. (a digital declaration is not permitted) If your company pays for your vacation, you should get a copy of their most recent six-month bank statement and a contact number: the original or a certified copy of the latest six months of your personal or salary bank statements.

Flight Plan

Itinerary for a round-trip flight that fits your travel dates. You were taking a Room at a Hotel. Make hotel arrangements according to your planned stay dates.

Vaccination against Yellow Fever:

Please bring your proof of having had a covid vaccination.

Basic information

Shopnotour will assist you in obtaining your visa stamped if you provide all the required paperwork (Logistics charge applicable). The Embassy in New Delhi, India, will process your visa application without your presence. If you are applying for a visa to the Gambia from Bangladesh, Shopnotour can assist.

If you have the following items, Shopnotour can help you with the paperwork and logistics of obtaining your visa stamped (Logistics charge applicable). No trip to the Embassy in New Delhi, India, is necessary on your part to secure access.

To get a visa to enter the Gambia from Bangladesh, contact Shopnotour. Around 86 Countries Provide Our Premium Visa Consulting Services. Use a holistic strategy. As a result, you may tailor your visa application to your specific profile. The correct visa paperwork might be affected by several variables. So, we look into the client’s past travels and background extensively. An expert, the tailored recommendation is made after that. Clients are given a thorough rundown of the necessary paperwork to submit to increase the likelihood of their visa application being approved. Behind the hood, we check all of the essential paperwork for you. To help you avoid any needless delays, we provide visa services for more than 70 countries that do not have an embassy in Bangladesh.

We’ll compile your data into a file and use it to research your personal and professional background. Next, we’ll figure out how to approach your visa application in the most effective way possible. Our Visa Consulting Services are only available to customers who have paid for and accepted our service agreement.

We provide free phone lines that you may use to set up an appointment.

Our consulting offerings include the following:

  1. Looking into your family tree and past travels
  2. Creating a Profile-Driven Checklist 
  3. Finding and Patching Weak Spots
  4. Formulating a reliable plan for applying for a visa.

We can provide consulting services to clients who cannot visit our office via teleconsultation services. We may arrange a convenient voice or video therapy session through Skype, WhatsApp, or another service. If you have any queries or want further information, please email us. Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information or schedule a meeting time (Sunday to Thursday). Get in Touch With Us at (855) 646-8090 to Set Up an App 01844-559989(Hotline)

We charge between BDT 10,000/- and BDT 50,000/- for every application for our services (Based on country, visa category & case complexity). After hearing your story, we will settle on a Consultation Fee. Next, after we’ve opened your case file and you’ve made the payment, we’ll schedule the Detail Consultation.

Please note that our consultation fee does not cover additional costs, such as logistics, visas, notarization, asset declaration, travel insurance, etc. We provide thorough verbal and written instructions to help you complete your visa application.

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FAQs For Business Visa

 A business visa is a type of visa that allows individuals to enter a foreign country for the purpose of conducting business-related activities, such as attending meetings, conferences, negotiating contracts, or exploring business opportunities.

The specific requirements for a business visa may vary depending on the country you are applying to, but generally, you will need a valid passport, a completed visa application form, a letter of invitation from a business partner or conference organizer, proof of travel arrangements (such as flight tickets), and evidence of sufficient funds to support your stay.

The processing time for a business visa can vary depending on the country and the consulate or embassy you are applying to. It is recommended to check the processing time on the consulate or embassy website before applying.

The length of stay allowed on a business visa varies by country and may be specified on the visa itself. In some cases, you may be allowed to stay for up to 90 days or longer, while in others, the visa may be valid for multiple entries over a period of several years.

No, a business visa is not intended for employment purposes. If you intend to work in a foreign country, you will need to obtain a work visa or permit.

In some cases, it may be possible to extend a business visa, but this will depend on the country you are visiting and the specific circumstances of your visit. It is recommended to contact the local consulate or embassy for guidance on visa extensions.

A business visa is typically issued for a specific country and may not allow for travel to other countries. If you plan to visit multiple countries for business purposes, you may need to apply for separate visas for each country.

Family members may be able to accompany you on a business visa, but this will depend on the specific visa regulations of the country you are visiting. In some cases, family members may need to apply for their own visas.